10 pts each- Answers the Journalist's Questions
Who has influenced me?
What has influenced me?
When did these things take place?
Where did these things take place?
How have I evolved as a reader/writer?
Why does this matter to me as a reader/writer today?

40 pts- Presentation
Conforms to Time Limit 3-31/2 minutes
Makes effective use of multimedia
Is polished and/or clearly rehearsed

Using a Web 2.0 tool (Prezi w audio/ Voki/ Xtranormal, etc.), you are to prepare a 3-31/2 minute presentation that talks about your development as a reader/writer from childhood until now.

    You might talk about what people, texts, events that have shaped you. How have you changed, developed, transformed? Where do you see yourself going? What will you do or become?

    You should answer each of the journalists's questions (about yourself) in your presentation.


Due Friday 22nd at the beginning of class. - No late submissions will be accepted.
Pick 7 pts worth

•Rhetorical Analysis Essay (Your Choice Subject...Within Academic Reason)- Refuting Rhetorical Fallacies- REQUIRED- 2pts
•Non-fiction Informational text- 1 ½ pages-2 pts
•Poem- 1pt
•Essay- Argument, Synthesis, Rhetorical Analysis-1 ½ pages- 2 pts
•Personal Interest Article- Non-Fiction- 1 pt
•Fiction (Short Story)- 2 page- 2 pts
•Multimedia Piece- 1 pt

ENG III Homework


Look at "The Star Spangled Banner." You can find it at the bottom of the Rhetoric tab under Resources.

Pick the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th stanzas and write a 1 page interpretation of it.

This is due MON 11th at the beginning of class.

Group Feedback


•Find and point out logical fallacies in a nationally publicized advertisement or advertising campaign

•Create an advertisement for a “New” competing product/service- Magazine/Commercial

•Write a 2 page essay using the Toulmin model that critiques the fallacious argument(s) present and offers either solutions or opposing perspectives

* Advertisements will be graded on Presentation, Originality, Clarity of Message, and Response to Fallacious Opposition
* Papers will be graded on- Structure, Content, Strength of Argument, Conventions of Usage, and Overall Effectiveness
Rewrite parts of The Declaration of Independence as a modern declaration of Student independence on a topic of your choice. Students will read these aloud in class on Thursday.

1st Paragraph page 271

1st 5 lines of 272

5 Complaints styled in the same way as the text

Last paragraph on page 276
Have an example for each of the fallacies assigned to your group. Provide a  link, a description of the argument being made, and an explanation of where the  fallacy takes place. Identify the falacy as emotional, ethical, or logical. You must submit 4 of the 6 fallacies chosen by your group. These should be different than the four

Group 1- Chris, Cameron, Garrett (Strawman, False cause, composition/division, anecdotal, genetic, loaded question
Group 2- Annie, Jessica, Kimberly, (slippery slope, appeal to authority, appeal to nature, the texas sharpshooter,
                                                         ambiguity,appeal to emotion)
Group 3- Kerri, Pietro, Katie, Brian (special pleading, the gambler's fallacy, no true Scotsman, middle ground, tu quoque,
                                                         personal incredulity)
Group 4- Dessie, Jessica, Ashelin (Black-or-white, bandwagon, ad hominem, begging the question, the fallacy fallacy, burden of proof.

AP 1 Homework


Have an example for each of the fallacies assigned to your group. Provide a link, a description of the argument being made, and an explanation of where the fallacy takes place. Identify the falacy as emotional, ethical, or logical. You should have one example from each from class, and one example from individual study.

Group 1-(Warren, Jordan, Travis)  Strawman, Special Pleading, Bandwagon, The Texas Sharpshooter
Group 2-(Tanner, Christian, Cory) Strawman, Loaded Question, Appeal to Nature, Ambiguitiy
Group 3-(Rachel, Eli, Jordan, Will) The Gambler's Fallacy, Appeal to Nature, Burden of Proof, Personal incredulity
Group 4-(Emily, Natalie, Maria, Kayla) False Cause, Begging the Question, Genetic, ad hominem
Group 5-(Emily, Kathryn, Cortney, Meredith) ad hominem, tu quoque, middle ground, anecdotal
Group 6-( Carlee, Sofia, Jenna, Heather, Brittany) not true scotsman, loaded question, appeal to emotion, the fallacy fallacy
Group 7-(Tyler, Caitlin, Kenzie) black-or-white, appeal to authority, composition/division, slippery slope